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McAfee: He Could've Just Used AppRemover

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The latest viral hit to arrive on YouTube this week is a video of John McAfee, the creator of the popular anti-malware program McAfee, titled 'How To Uninstall McAfee Antivirus'. Within this racy video, John McAfee goes to extreme measures to figure out ways how to uninstall McAfee and in the process reads complaints he receives from consumers about how tricky it can be to remove the security software from their computers.

While some users might experience difficulty thoroughly removing McAfee from their computer, this isn't the only security software application that is challenging to uninstall. There is a simple and easy solution for annoyed customers and John McAfee: AppRemover. The free uninstallation tool, available for download at www.appremover.com, is the perfect choice for thoroughly removing all traces of security and public file sharing applications on Windows and Mac platforms. Paid versions of the tool (available as a CLI or SDK) are also available for network administrators and software vendors looking to remotely remove security and public file sharing applications.

John McAfee's hilarious 'tutorial' video shows the great lengths users will go to try to uninstall security applications. While shooting a gun at a computer might work (we don't recommend it!), AppRemover offers a less violent and simpler solution. If only someone would've told John McAfee.

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